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April 27, 2024

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The Christian life is one which lives unreservedly for Jesus—it is the Decided Life. For many, the Christian faith means no more than just a traditional ritual which connects us to our families, our pasts and even to other people. It can certainly be that, but the life which is historically, biblically and truly Christian is one which impacts the entirety of one's being...[click for more]

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The Meaning of the Resurrection

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Existence, Presence and Relationship

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Facing Difficulties with the Body

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The Delightful Gift of Christmas

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Working for God in Gratefulness

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How God Uses the Broken

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Caught Between God and Lust

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Trusting His First Answer

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The Results of Disobedience

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Encountering The One We Have Been Unfaithful To

How do you enter into the presence of One whom you have cheated in your unfaithfulness? Can you cavalierly enter His presence? Or must payment be made?

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Cleansing from Sin

Since no person can enter into the presence of God in their sin, how do you cleanse yourself to enter into His presence? Through the blood of Jesus, of course. But there is more. Find out in this message.

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Celebrating Redemption in the Peace Offering

Once we get into the presence of God through the offerings cleansing us from sin, being in God's presence is an awesome thing which is to be celebrated in line with the Peace Offering.

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Offering Him Our Best in the Grain Offering

Once access is granted to enter into the presence of God, what should a worshiper do? Offer this worthy God his or her best.

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Being Made Acceptable through the Whole Burnt Offering

We are told today that we have a right to enter into God's presence, but Scripture makes clear that preparation must first be made for sinful humans to enter into the presence of a holy God.

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Why Jesus Had to Die

Jesus was determined that He must suffer death in order to fulfill the promises of Scripture, but what promises did He mean? And why would these promises be important for us?

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An Unexpected King

Our desire for a political leader points to our need for Jesus as our King. But He is a king unlike any other.

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Entering Into His Story

We can only be truly fulfilled when we enter into the story God has designed for us.

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How America's Promise of Freedom Fails Our Real Need

America is a wonderful country, but it offers a promise for freedom it can never fulfill. Only Jesus can fulfill our real need.

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Three events of healing are described in the passage, but what do they mean for us? They have far more significance than simply healing three souls. They tell us about our need for Jesus.

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Doing What We Cannot

Jesus calls us to perfection in our following of the Law. But He calls us to an even higher standard than the Law, one that we cannot complete on our own.

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Bringing Light to the World

Why would the Messiah King be outside of the city He was to rule? Find out in this sermon.

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How Jesus Fulfills The Human Need

The history of the human race has been one of trying to fill the void within their hearts, but they all fail as they trust within themselves. We can only find fulfillment in Jesus who fulfills God's promise to fill the void.

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Do you love Jesus? Jesus asks this question of Peter, His most prominent disciple. Isn't this question just as pertinent for us?

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This impromptu message gave me opportunity to speak to the surrender of our lives to Jesus Christ through Paul's example.

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Growing into Christlikeness

How do we grow from spiritual babies into mature adults in the faith? Find out in this message.

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What It Means to Be Born Again

Reflecting on fatherhood, leads to this message on the New Birth from above.

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Seeking Revival

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That He May Return to You

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Getting Past Ministry Objections

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Why God Became Man

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The Shameless Pursuit of Jesus

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The Shameless Pursuit of Jesus

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Putting Jesus First in Our Lives

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What Christ's Ascension Does for Us

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Why Jesus Had to Die

Reflect on the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ as we ask these three questions: Why Did Jesus Have to Die? Why Would He Die for Me? and How Must We Respond Because He Has Died?

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Giving Your Life Up For Jesus

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A Sermon on the Lord's Prayer

Prayer is among the hardest spiritual disciplines, but Jesus lays out a simple, yet profound, way for us to keep in mind as we go to the Father in prayer.

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Giving God the Praise He Deserves

Worship is among the most perverted areas within the life of Christianity. But it also reveals our own weakness. What is worship, really? And how can we give the Lord the praise that He deserves?

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Finding a Heart Doctor for our Sick Hearts

Recent chest pains sent me to the ER. Thankfully, it was not the heart attack that I feared. But it got me to thinking about our spiritually sick hearts, and our need for a doctor for our hearts.

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What We Need to Ask the Lord

When Paul encounters the Lord Jesus on the road to Demascus, he has two questions for Him that we would do well to ask for ourselves.

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Preparing Our Hearts for the Coming King

The Christmas season has many distractions. But the Lord asks us to expect HIM. How can we do that in this Christmas season?

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Reflections on the Response of the Shepherds to the Birth of Christ

We all have fond memories of the Shepherds who came to receive Jesus, but we have much to learn from their response in our own lives.

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How to Keep Standing

On this long and hard journey of faith, it is difficult to keep on our feet. But we are commanded in Scripture to fix our eyes on Jesus, who will help us along on the journey.

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Finding Life in the Vine

Jesus has not called us to live within Him because He is needy for our love. And He has not called us to Himself to take the enjoyment out of life. He has called us to live in Him to give you the fullness of joy which is ours in Christ Jesus.

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Our Example of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an issue most all of us struggle with. But how can we forgive? We can only forgive because of the power of Christ who is our example of forgiveness.

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The Reason We Toil

Some days it seems as if our struggle in this world is worthless. In this message on 1 Corinthians 15, we will see that our labor is not in vain, because Jesus Christ is alive!

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Keeping Your Soul Refreshed in the Desert

Surviving spiritually in the desert is a tall order for most of us. But how do you do it? By keeping close to the source of living waters.

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Uncovering Your Motives of Discipleship

Seeking Jesus is the call on our lives. But often, we seek Jesus for things, rather than for Himself, just as the people in John 6 did.

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Learning to Worship

Worship can be a difficult task for us. But if we study worship in Psalm 103, we find that it is easier than we first imagined...if we would just learn from it.

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or The Everlasting Love of the Father

This well-known, most beloved parable has much to teach us about ourselves and our great God.

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Learning from the Temptation of Jesus

Temptation comes to all of us. But why should we stand firm against temptation? The Temptation of Jesus teaches us more about why.

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Preparing Ourselves for the Spiritual Battle

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How Christ Makes Us Just

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the greatest injustice in the history of the world. But it is also the best news the world has today.

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Living Lives That Point to the Gospel

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Living the Gospel in the Worst of Circumstances

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Letting Your Words & Deeds Point to Jesus

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Living for the Gospel Where You Are

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The Life of the Apostle Peter

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The Parable of the Two Sons

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The memorial service of my grandpa, Carl Kratt. Speakers include Derek, Jake and Seth Hanson.

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