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Revamp Is Complete (Almost)
September 11, 2010
ollowers of this site have seen major changes over the past few weeks. Find out what is in store... [Click here to read more]
A Tribute to Bob Blake and a New Blossom
August 20, 2010
It is a sad week for me, for Brother Bryan Mission and for all the homeless of the world. Bob Blake’s body is riddled with cancer—a diagnosis which was new to him within the last few weeks... [Click here to read more]
Mission Report: Forgiveness and Redemption
April 17, 2010
A story from the mission giving hope of forgiveness and redemption to one who has fallen. [Click here to read more]
They Will Look Unto Him Whom They Have Pierced
April 2, 2010
This Good Friday, I have been meditating on Zechariah 12:10, "They will look unto Me, whom they pierced." [Click here to read more]
Choice Missionary Quotes
February 20, 2010
Billy Graham called Ruth Stull a giant. I wanted to find out why, so I checked out one of her books and found out. [Click here to read more]
Where Are the Evangelists?
January 15, 2010
“And He gave some…as evangelists” (Eph. 4:11). [Click here to read more]
The Great Choreographer
September 21, 2009
See how the Lord is working things together for me and a few of my friends. [Click here to read more]
Mission Without Preaching
September 9, 2009
I didn't preach tonight, but had an eventful evening of conversation. [Click here to read more]
Baptism Follow-Up
September 8, 2009
Two men from Brother Bryan Mission were recently baptized. See how it has impacted their lives. [Click here to read more]
Poor, Poor John the Baptist
September 7, 2009
One of the exciting, and interesting things about launching this website has been to see where people travel on the site—and where they do not! ...[Click here to read more]
Mission Update: A Baptismal Prayer
September 6, 2009
Check out this prayer by a man from the mission who was baptized last week. It will bless and surprise you. [Click Here]
Mission Update: Birth Pangs of Preaching
August 17, 2009
I preached last Wednesday on the Parable of the Sower/Soils. It was painful to write, but joyful to preach. Check out my thoughts on the experience. [Click Here]
What’s the Deal with Rocks?
June 14, 2009
I am currently working on a sermon on Isaiah 28, with a focus on verse 16: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed.  He who believes in it will not be disturbed.” You will be able to read that sermon here with more discussion on this stone—Jesus Christ in whom we will not be disappointed.
[Click to Read More]
Pentecost—Part 3: The Feast Has Fully Come
June 2, 2009

The beginning of Acts 2 tells us, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (KJV).

In the previous posts about the Pentecost, we looked at some aspects of Pentecost as described in the book of Acts. But most of us are a lot less familiar with the Feast of Pentecost...
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Pentecost—Part 2: More Testimony of Jesus
June 1, 2009
In the last blog post, we discussed the results of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Peter’s first (brilliant) sermon.  The Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit for the purpose of testifying about Jesus Christ.  What follows in the next section of Acts (and really in the whole book of Acts) is a description of other testimony to Christ.
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Pentecost—Part 1: The Message (Peter’s First Sermon)
May 31, 2009
Today, the Church marks its birthday, Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent to the Disciples of Jesus Christ. Whenever Christians begin to talk about the Holy Spirit, you can sense some uneasiness. There has been much bad teaching on the Holy Spirit which must be corrected. But when I think of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit, the thing that comes to my mind is expressed in Jesus’ own words in John 15:26: “When the Helper [the Holy Spirit] comes…He will testify about Me.”
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The Good Samaritan Law
May 29, 2009
I have not read the actual laws, but in America, most states have what are called Good Samaritan laws.  These laws are set up to protect “Good Samaritans” who stop to help someone in distress.  The law states that if, while ‘helping’ the person in distress, the Good Samaritan accidentally injures or worsens the condition of the person, they are immune from legal action against them.
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"Not all who wander are lost"
May 26, 2009
“Not all who wander are lost” is a popular nationwide bumper sticker. The quote is attributed to J.R.R. Tolkien, but anyone who has read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy will know that it came from a Hobbit tune, and expressed the joyful, carefree nature of hobbits to wander the countryside innocently and without constraint.
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